Welcome to our new PhD student: Firas Diban

Welcome to our new PhD student: Firas Diban

Welcome to our new PhD student: Firas Diban

For the 2021/2024 we got the financing of a PhD student grant, PON 2014-2020, INNOVATIVE PhD (University/Industry), for the project:

Identification of new biocides, to fight chronic wound infections associated with multidrug-resistant pathogens and development of innovative medical devices.


Prof. Luigina Cellini, Full Professor of Microbiology, Department of Pharmacy, “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara Via dei Vestini, 31 Chieti – Italy, l.cellini@unich.it

Dr. Elisabetta Ancarani, General Menager, Lombarda H. S.r.l., Loc. Faustina – 20080 Albairate (MI) – Italy, elisabetta.ancarani@lombardah.com

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