

The Microbiology Lab @ Gabriele d’Annunzio University welcomes you in this Digital Hub

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Years Of Research Experience

Accurate Testing By Expert Scientists

The advanced Microbiology Lab at Gabriele d’Annunzio University explores microbial interactions, interdisciplinary research, and educates students on microbiology.

Silvia, Morena, Simonetta, Emanuela, Mara, Gigia, Paola, Sara, Firas

The Microbiology Lab @ Gabriele d’Annunzio University welcomes you in this Digital Hub

MicroBiolab is an interdepartmental group of researchers who believe in teamwork to offer the best in research in the microbiological field.

The team has grown year after year, combining exciting research & development in the Lab with gratifying interactive classes with students.

As an international team and as women in STEM, we stand for giving equal and adequate opportunity to everyone working in scientific areas.

We believe that diversity is valuable and curiosity and never give up attitude act like engine for the growth.

With our daily job we aim to empower Students, PhDs and our team itself to achieve more.

We are proud to introduce ourselves to you.

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Explore Our Researches

Discover our main areas of research. Click on each topic to deep dive.

A healthy balanced skin microbiota is a microbial shield against the pathogenic microorganisms colonization, prevents the dry skin condition, improves the skin health and modulates host immunity.
Wounds that do not respond normally to treatments after four weeks or that do not heal completely within two months are defined as chronic, constituting a silent epidemic problem affecting billions of people worldwide.
A research topic characterizing our lab is focused on the study of Helicobacter pylori, a fickle gastroduodenal pathogen, included by the WHO in the list of bacteria for which new antibiotics are urgently needed.

Recommended Reading

Suggested by students of Applied Microbiology in Cosmetology course

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