Skin harbors an important microbial ecosystem that is in homeostasis with its host and is beneficial for human health. A healthy skin microbiota is characterized by different commensal microorganisms that prevent the pathogens colonization. An unbalanced microbial community might lead to development of skin diseases, such as acne, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Cosmetics may have a negative impact on the skin microbiota, since several ingredients might last for days disturbing this ecosystem. For example, some ingredients, such as preservatives and emulsifers, can remain in the skin surface after several washes with an impact on the skin microbial community also inhibiting the growth of S. epidermidis. For this reason, it is important to use tests that closely mimic the events happening on the skin microbiota to facilitate the design of cosmetic ingredients that respect the balanced skin microbiota and are able to maintain and restore the skin health.
Suggested by our guest Elisiana Tucci for you.