February 2025

February 2025

Development and characterization of an emulgel based on a snail slime useful for dermatological applications

Snail slime is an interesting eco-sustainable substance for wound infection thanks to its biological and chemical properties. In particular, it is composed by organic acids, including glycolic acid, allantoin and vitamins, substances useful in wound healing process. In addition, snail slime is able to promote cellular well-being, fibroblasts proliferation and synthesis of both collagen and elastin. For wound healing management, it is important to affect microbial proliferation in the wound and in this scenario, snail slime affects the main microorganisms involved in wound infection such as E. faecalis, S. epidermidis, S. aureus, S. pyogenes, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, C. albicans. In this study, a semisolid formulation containing snail slime, constituted by hydrophilic gel, using a combination of corn starch and sodium hyaluronate as polymers, was tested. The formulation resulted stable, active against tested microorganisms and easy to spreadable. In addition to these technical and healthy properties, this formulation is also appreciable because of its biosustainability.

Suggested by Proff. Luana Perioli & Cinzia Pagano

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